Christ Methodist Church
Board of Trustee Meeting
August 20, 2024
Attendees: Michelle Worth, Christy Priday, Jim Stroman, Rick Sherman, Kelley Rushing, Matt Deane. and
Mike DeLaughter. John Greer and Mark Alberson absent
Rick Sherman called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m.
Jim Stroman opened with prayer
Reading and Approval of minutes – Mike made a motion approve/Kelley 2nd/motion carried
Financial Statement – Matt Deane made a motion to approve/Jim Stroman 2nd/motion carried
Presbyterian partnership – Rick talked about Richard’s visit with Michelle. He presented a comparison of the two facilities and how they would meet our future growth. Rick recommended that we pursue moving to the Presbyterian church as it would better fit our needs. A question was asked about whether we would have a written agreement. The
answer was yes, the Focus group would negotiate a lease agreement. He also stated he didn’t think that even if the Episcopal church offered the building for sale, it would cost too much to fix the problems to make it workable. Michelle stated options – Richard really didn’t want anything temporary – either purchase, be partners – Episcopal was mentioned by Mike doing a site survey – 200 parking places would be available at best. Much discussion on space needed for fall classes young adult and little ones. Michelle mentioned that Richard did not want a written response. He would prefer a meeting if our church was interested. Kelley made a motion to start negotiation with the Presbyterian with a 90 day opt out clause while continuing to pay the Episcopal Church. This will also give Mark ample time to work
on plans for expansion at the Episcopal for a longer term plan. Mike 2nd/Rick opposed – motion carried. Michelle also recommended someone having a conversation with Charlotte about our plans before she meets with the bishop August 26, 2024.
Land Contract Update – Rick directed everyone to the balance sheet reflecting the purchase and announced the loan closed and disclosed the $6,000 closing costs added to the borrowed balance.
First Anniversary Celebration September 24, 2024 – recommended Sunday 22 Brunch was suggested or the church purchasing the meat and everyone bring sides – Christy said she would get with Sandy Deane and they could discuss dates and details. Mike Delaughter offered to donate $200 to help offset costs.
Global Methodist Church – Rick mentioned the conference in Costa Rica in September – Jim said they are putting their hierarchy in place. Rick envisioned getting report back later in September and having a church wide meeting to share. Michelle recommended to set a date in October but no date was chosen.
Other Business – Rick asked for other business
• Michelle mentioned the midweek bible study. Rick said that Katie Johnson had requested dinner and bible study. Christy said she leads on Tuesday mornings and said she would be glad to teach it in the evenings but Wednesdays would not work for her. Mike and Christy did mention Soccer on Tuesday and Thursdays –Kelley mentioned in the church he grew up in they had a standing bible study on Wednesdays and if they ever needed to have a business meeting they could do that instead of bible study. Kelley said it helped with communication and between board meetings. A day was not set for midweek study.
• Michelle also mentioned that Young Adults will be moving to the Parish Hall and meeting in the front room this fall – Matt Deane and Sarah Dugan will be leading
Adjournment – Rick adjourned
NEXT Meeting September 10, 2024